Is Bond Insurance a Worthwhile Investment?

Shopping for insurance can be daunting, especially if you’re new to the field. During this process, you’ll need to figure out what kind of insurance you need and what specific policies will cover your needs. While most people choose to buy home insurance or auto insurance, more niche options are available for purchase as well. If you’re involved with today’s financial markets, then you’ll be able to insure governmental bonds, corporate bonds, and other financial markets. At Bartal Insurance, our agents provide blonde insurance to the people of Scranton, PA.

What is a Financial Bond?

In financial terms, a bond is a type of loan that you give to a government or a corporation; over time, the bond that you’ve purchased will be repaid back with interest. While bonds are considered safer than other types of investment, there is still some level of risk involved. The issuer may be unable to repay the loan, especially after a financial collapse such as an economic recession or a major bankruptcy. If you’re an investor with many bonds, then it’s recommended that you purchase bond insurance.

What is Bond Insurance?

Bond insurance is the type of coverage that will guarantee a bond repayment. At Bartal Insurance, we provide insurance for bid bonds, contract bonds, maintenance bonds, payment bonds, permit bonds, and supply bonds. Our insurance agency guarantees coverage in the form of specific policies.

Is Bond Insurance Worthwhile?

For people who are heavily invested in the bond market, yes! Economic calamity is frequent and for some, inevitable. That’s why it’s worthwhile to insure your investments with a certified agency. To get your bond insurance, contact Bartal Insurance. You can also email us at our office in Scranton, PA. 

Does umbrella insurance only help if there is a lawsuit?

No one wants to be involved in a lawsuit. The most common way for people to be involved in a lawsuit is after an accident when someone is injured, usually an automobile accident. 

If you live in Scranton, PA, you may have even seen an accident yourself or been involved in one. An umbrella policy from Bartal Insurance won’t keep you from being in an accident, but it could keep you from having to deal with a lawsuit after an accident.

How Does Umbrella Insurance Work?

With a standard policy, such as a homeowners or auto insurance policy, you have specific policy limits. Especially when there is a serious accident, an accident victim could use up the money from those limits quickly. Even what looks like a minor fall could result in months of physical therapy.

Once you hit your policy limits, the insurance company won’t pay any more on the claim. At that point, you become responsible for paying for everything out of pocket. If you have an umbrella policy, though, you have extra protection.

Once you have reached the maximum limits on your other policies, your umbrella policy will kick in, and you will continue to pay on the claims. Umbrella policies tend to be large, usually coming in increments of $1 million, so you should be protected.

An Umbrella Policy Saves Money and Stress

If you don’t have the money to pay a claim, the injured party is more likely to file a lawsuit. That is the only way they have to recover, and their insurance company may insist on a lawsuit. 

Your Scranton, PA umbrella policy will also pay for attorney fees when there is a claim or a lawsuit. If you are interested in having a higher level of protection for yourself and your family, call Bartal Insurance today.

What to do when a storm is forecast: tips to prepare your home

When a storm is forecast here in the Scranton, PA area, it’s important to be prepared and take the right steps to protect your home. Here are some tips from us at Bartal Insurance on what to do when bad weather is on the horizon: 

Tips to prepare your home

1. Make sure your gutters are clear and free of debris. Clogged gutters can cause water damage to your roof and foundation if they become overwhelmed during heavy rain or snowfall. 

2. Check windows and doors to make sure they are properly sealed. Replace any worn-out weatherstripping or caulk around windows and doors, as this will help keep rain from entering your home. 

3. Trim any trees or shrubs that could be in danger of falling over due to strong winds or heavy snowfall. 

4. Bring outdoor furniture and items inside or secure them with bungee cords so they don’t become airborne during high winds. 

5. Stock up on food, water, flashlights, batteries, candles, medications, and other necessary supplies in case you experience a power outage due to the stormy weather. 

6. Prepare an emergency plan for you and your family in case of severe weather; this should include how you would contact each other if separated, where designated meeting places are located in the event of an evacuation order, etc., so everyone knows what to do if worse comes to worst during a storm event. 

Consult With Us

By following these tips, you can help protect your home from the effects of severe storms and make sure you’re prepared when they arrive! For more tips or to explore a flood insurance policy, give us at Bartal Insurance a call today. We are proud to serve the Scranton, PA area and would be happy to help.

Financial Safeguards: Exploring Bond Insurance in Pennsylvania

In the realm of finance, bond insurance plays a critical role in safeguarding investments and providing security for Pennsylvania bondholders in uncertain times. The bond insurance professionals at Bartal Insurance in Scranton, PA can help you choose the best bond insurance products to safeguard your interests. 

What is Bond Insurance?

Bond insurance is a type of insurance that offers bondholders a financial guarantee for covered events listed in your policy. This financially guaranteed insurance prevents insured parties from absorbing the costs of defaults or non-payment by the bond issuer. 

Having bond insurance can add an additional layer of financial protection that can lead to increased investor confidence, improved access to capital, and reduced borrowing costs. 

Who Buys Bond Insurance?

The following parties are known to purchase bond insurance as part of their financial protection and risk mitigation strategies. 

Bond Issuers

Bond issuers like governments, municipalities, and corporations often purchase bond insurance to enhance the creditworthiness of their own bonds. Bond issuers with higher credit ratings are likely to attract more investors than issuers with poor or no creditworthiness. 

Bondholders and Investors

Individuals, institutions, and crowdfunded pools are among the groups of people who buy bond insurance to safeguard their financial investments. 

How to Start a Bond Insurance Policy in Pennsylvania

If you’re new to the world of investing which includes bonds and bond insurance, it is best to consult with an expert to avoid a substantial financial loss. 

Talk to a licensed bond insurance agent at Bartal Insurance in Scranton, PA to learn more about how bond insurance can work for you! We can answer your questions about how bond insurance works and help you choose the best bond insurance policy that falls in line with your investment strategy and your long-term or short-term investment goals. 

If I have a classic car but it isn’t currently running, do I still need coverage?

A classic car is so much more than just an automobile. With a classic car, you capture the best part of bygone days and make yourself open to fulfilling and unique social connections. However, a classic car in Scranton, PA is also an investment, and Bartal Insurance can help you to make sure that your investment is protected.

How Classic Car Insurance Is Different

Regular car insurance is designed for people who drive every day. Most people use their regular cars to go to work, school, stores, entertainment, and even just to drive around. Classic car insurance is designed for cars that aren’t on the road as much. That is why you will find that, even though your classic car is special, insurance is surprisingly affordable.

An insurance company that offers specialized insurance for classic cars can help you find an affordable policy that will still protect you in case anything happens.

What If the Car Can’t Run at All?

Even if the car can’t run, it could be damaged in several ways. The most common ways your inoperable car might be damaged are because of vandalism, weather, or fire.

Those are just some of the events you have no control over that could cause damage to your vehicle. Even if you are not planning on driving your vehicle until you can get it into roadworthy shape, your car is still vulnerable. If you don’t have protection, you will be responsible for any damages.

We Are Here To Help

If you have a classic car that you want to protect in the greater Scranton, PA community, call Bartal Insurance so we can help you find a policy that suits your needs.

As a landlord, can I require my renters to get renters insurance?

The answer is yes; as a landlord in Scranton, PA you can require renters to get renter’s insurance. Bartal Insurance recommends making it a requirement in your lease.

You can even require a certain level of coverage, such as $100,000 in liability coverage and $20,000 in personal property coverage.

Why Renters Insurance?

By making renters insurance a requirement, you’ll be helping to ensure that your tenants can replace their belongings in the case of a disaster. This can also reduce the likelihood of legal disputes if your tenant’s personal property is damaged or stolen.

Another reason why renters insurance is important is because it can help reduce your overall risk as a landlord. If a fire or other disaster damages your rental property, your insurance will cover rebuilding or repairing the structure. But if your tenants’ personal property is damaged or destroyed, you may be liable for the replacement cost.

So what should you do if a tenant refuses to get renters’ insurance? First, make sure the requirement is clearly spelled out in the lease agreement. If they still refuse, you may need to consider whether you want to renew their lease when it expires. Another option is to purchase an insurance policy covering the tenant’s personal property, but this can be more expensive than requiring the tenant to get coverage.

Reach Out To Us

As a landlord, requiring renters insurance in Scranton, PA could be smart. Not only does it protect your tenants, but it also protects you from potential liability. By making it a requirement in your lease agreement, you’ll be able to ensure that your tenants are properly covered in case of a disaster. If you have more questions, contact Bartal Insurance today.

The Ultimate Guide to Protecting Your RV in Pennsylvania

Are you prepared to take on RV Season? RV season is here, and millions of campers and adventure enthusiasts are ready to hit the Pernnysvlania highways. 

Why Pennsylvania Campers Need RV Insurance

If you’re planning on camping or traveling in your RV this year, having the right RV insurance in place is important to protect your and your family’s investment. Pennsylvania residents can get RV insurance to help shield themselves and their vehicles from financial losses that arise in their RV. 

Contact the insurance experts at Bartal Insurance in Scranton, PA if you need an insurance quote. 

What Does an RV Insurance Policy Cover?

RV insurance policies typically include one or more of the following: 

Liability Coverage: RVers with liability coverage are shielded from financial distress when they have an at-fault accident while driving or operating their RVs. 

Comprehensive and Collision: This RV insurance covers RV-related mishaps, including theft, vandalism, and damage caused by non-collision-related incidents.

Collision coverage protects your RV in an accident — regardless of who is at fault. 

Personal Property Coverage: This add-on insurance covers your property when traveling in your RV.

Personal belongings like cell phones, laptops, clothing, jewelry, and cash are protected under this coverage, which gives campers peace of mind when spending the night in RV parks or boondocking on public lands. 

Roadside Assistance Coverage: Adding roadside assistance coverage to your RV insurance policy safeguards you and your passengers from being stranded on the side of the road if your travel trailer or motorized RV breaks down. 

Where Can I Get The Best RV Insurance Rates in Pennsylvania?

Contact the experts if you’re looking for affordable RV insurance in Pennsylvania. The agents at Bartal Insurance in Scranton, PA are happy to answer your RV-related questions and provide you with a free RV insurance quote! 

Uncovering the Myths about Motorcycle Coverage

Although motorcycles can be thrilling, it’s important to understand that they are also dangerous, and accidents can occur no matter how safe a rider you may be. Unfortunately, there are many myths that can be dangerous if they are believed. For your protection in the Scranton, PA area, we at Bartal Insurance have debunked these common myths surrounding motorcycle insurance. This way, you can ensure that you have the proper coverage in case of any accidents or mishaps.

Motorcycle Coverage Myths

#1: “I Don’t Need Motorcycle Insurance Because I’m a Safe Rider”

The first myth we’ll address is, “I don’t need motorcycle insurance because I’m a safe rider.” Unfortunately, even the most cautious and experienced riders are at risk of being involved in accidents, and it’s critical to have proper insurance coverage. Motorcycle insurance can help you cover costs associated with injuries, medical bills, and potential lawsuits that may arise from accidents involving other vehicles or pedestrians. You may be surprised to learn that a large number of motorcycle accidents are caused by other drivers on the road, not the motorcyclist themselves.

#2: “My Homeowner’s Insurance Policy Covers My Motorcycle”

Another myth that needs to be debunked is the notion that your homeowner’s insurance policy covers your motorcycle. This is certainly not the case. Homeowner’s insurance policies primarily cover liabilities and damages to your home structure and personal possessions within it. They may offer limited coverage for specific risks, such as natural disasters, theft, or vandalism. However, your motorcycle is a valuable and distinct asset that requires its own insurance policy to cover potential damages, theft, or liability issues.

#3: “My Basic Motorcycle Insurance Policy Covers All Damages”

Finally, it’s a common assumption that a basic insurance policy covers all damages. This is not always true. Basic policies often provide coverage for only a few selected scenarios that leave you exposed to significant financial risks in the event of an accident. It’s thus advisable to purchase a comprehensive policy that covers damages and liabilities that a basic one may not cover.

Bartal Insurance Is Here To Help!

From Scranton, PA to Sacramento, CA, if you’re a motorcycle rider, don’t be misled by these common myths surrounding motorcycle insurance. Be sure to speak with an experienced insurance agent who can help you understand your coverage options and choose a plan that provides you with the best protection.

At Bartal Insurance, we make it our priority to provide you with in-depth knowledge about your insurance options so that you can ride with peace of mind. Contact us today to learn more about your policy options. 

What is umbrella insurance and why do I need it?

Many people have no idea what umbrella insurance is. It is one of the most misunderstood types of insurance. One thing it isn’t is insurance for your umbrella. Bartal Insurance offers umbrella insurance to Scranton, PA residents and we are delighted to be able to share our expertise in insurance with our customers. We are independent insurance agents, and we offer more choices, which allows us to offer better rates.  

Why Umbrella Insurance?

Umbrella insurance is excess liability coverage. What that means is that it adds an additional level of protection to the liability coverage that you already have. Umbrella insurance is not a policy you can have if you don’t already have a policy with liability coverage. Many different types of insurance have liability coverage, including home, auto, condo, renters, boat, motorcycle, and more. 

How it works is that if you have legal action against you, your primary insurance will provide protection up to the limit of the policy. If legal fees and a judgment go beyond the coverage that you have, you are responsible for paying the rest out of your own pocket. When you have an umbrella policy, your primary policy will pay up to its limit, and then the umbrella will go into effect.

An umbrella insurance policy protects your assets. It is affordable and can make all the difference when you get sued. If you have any assets at all, you can benefit from umbrella insurance. Suing people has become all too common, and if you want to protect what you have worked so hard to accumulate, umbrella insurance is an important coverage to add. 

Give Us A Call

In and around Scranton, PA, you can count on our team at Bartal Insurance to help with your insurance needs. Call us today to learn more about umbrella insurance coverage. 

How do I Know if I Need Flood Insurance?

It’s important to know if you are in need of flood insurance, as flooding events are not included in your standard homeowner’s insurance policy. You are not required by law in Scranton, PA to purchase flood insurance, but your lender will require it while you maintain a balance and especially if they are government-backed. 

How do I Know if I Need Flood Insurance? 

In Pennsylvania, the number of flood policies has increased 750% over the past five years with 12,800 properties covered, compared to just 1,500 at the start of this period. It’s also important to note that 40% of all claims from 2014 to 2018 came from homeowners whose properties were not located within high-risk areas. 

Climate change has been responsible for stronger storms that are depositing heavier rain in areas where the soil is not able to absorb it. Your Bartal Insurance representative can help you consult with the FEMA map to determine where your property falls on this resource. 

This will contain topographical data regarding where flooding has occurred and to what extent and frequency. In addition, statistical information will be updated every five years to accommodate changing information. 

People who live in areas where there are wet weather streams or roadside ditches or culverts that overflow dangerously near their homes or where the land does not perk particularly well can be at risk. Also of concern are houses situated close to rivers or creeks that can overflow their banks or people who live at the bottom of hills on city streets where water cannot be moved off the asphalt quickly enough. 

Bartal Insurance Company Can Help You

We specialize in providing our customers with the insurance products and services they need. We welcome you to contact us at Bartal Insurance Company to discuss the specifics of your situation. We serve those in and around Scranton, PA.