How Does a Car Become Eligible for Classic Car insurance

The Value of Classic Car Insurance: How to Determine Eligibility

For car enthusiasts, vintage automobiles are a treasure, and securing one adds significant value to their collection. However, safeguarding a classic car from damage or theft can pose unique challenges. At Bartal Insurance in Scranton, PA, we offer insights into the process of qualifying a vehicle for classic car insurance.

The Need for Classic Car Insurance

Investing in classic car insurance is indeed worthwhile as it protects your valuable asset from potential disasters. Even if your primary use of the vehicle is limited to an occasional parade, maintaining some form of insurance coverage is prudent. Classic car owners typically opt for policies providing minimal liability, comprehensive, and collision coverage. Documented insurance protection often serves to maintain or even increase your car’s value over time.

Qualifying for Classic Car Insurance

To qualify for classic car insurance, a vehicle must meet several requirements. Firstly, the car must maintain its original design and conform to factory specifications. This implies that all restoration work carried out on the vehicle must reflect the car’s original factory condition. Modern additions to the car can result in its declassification as a classic.

Insurance providers often stipulate that your classic car needs to be stored in a private, enclosed garage or storage unit, providing protection from the elements. An insurance representative may inspect the proposed storage site before approving your classic car insurance policy.

Classic cars should not be used for daily commuting. In support of eligibility for classic car insurance, you might need to provide evidence of separate auto insurance coverage for a different vehicle used for daily transportation.

Finally, it’s vital to agree on a market value price for your vintage car with your insurance provider. Most classic cars appreciate in value over time, and reaching an agreed value typically follows a professional appraisal. This ensures all parties have documented proof of the car’s worth in the current market.

Thinking of Insuring Your Vintage Car? Contact Bartal Insurance in Scranton, PA.

If you own a vintage vehicle and are considering classic car insurance, Bartal Insurance in Scranton, PA, can help you determine your vehicle’s eligibility for coverage. Schedule an appointment today to learn more about protecting your treasured classic car.

Should You Add Riders to Your Renters Insurance Policy?

A basic renter’s insurance policy might be sufficient if you rent a home in Scranton, PA. However, making assumptions regarding coverage is not advisable. Acquainting yourself with what your renter’s policy covers helps you identify whether you need to add riders to your coverage to ensure adequate protection for your home and belongings.

What’s Excluded by a Renter’s Insurance Policy?

Coverage differs based on the insurance provider you choose. Generally speaking, renter’s insurance does not cover natural disasters. Considering Scranton’s susceptibility to flooding, investing in additional flood insurance to protect your belongings from damage or loss might be beneficial.

Furthermore, a standard renter’s insurance policy has coverage limits for damage to or loss of personal belongings in the home. While this limit might suffice to replace furniture, clothing, and other personal items for most individuals, it may not fully compensate for valuable items such as jewelry, antiques, or heirlooms. It would be best to consider having valuable items appraised to determine whether a rider is required to fully cover them against theft, vandalism, or natural disaster.

Find out More from Bartal Insurance

Bartal Insurance offers renter’s insurance policies and riders to ensure comprehensive coverage for you and your belongings no matter what events occur. Unsure which coverage options are suitable for you? Call us, and we will guide you through reviewing your options. We take pride in helping residents of Scranton, PA, from all walks of life secure insurance coverage tailored to their needs.

Coverage For Items Stored Within Your Recreational Vehicle

Regular travel may necessitate storing numerous items in your recreational vehicle. These items can be prone to theft or damage, so specialized insurance coverage is essential.

Loss Of Property

Loss of property coverage replaces items that get damaged during your ownership. This type of coverage also offers protection against theft. You can obtain this kind of coverage for both fixed and movable items stored within your vehicle.

Permanently installed objects, including floor coverings and appliances, can be included in your insurance plan. Loose items that you can move, such as dishes and linens, can also be included in your RV insurance policy.


Consider the list below when crafting a personal checklist of items to include in your insurance plan.

  • Carpeting
  • Jewelry, cash, and other valuables
  • Furnishings
  • Entertainment system components
  • HVAC essentials
  • Clothing
  • Automotive parts (for maintenance and repairs)


Have a licensed mechanic service your vehicle. The mechanic will assess your van’s operating systems, automotive parts, cosmetic materials, and other components.

After the inspection, you will be informed about any necessary repairs or replacements. Once your vehicle is road-ready, you should consider insurance coverage for the items that you plan to store within your vehicle.

Contact Bartal Insurance

Ensuring adequate insurance coverage for the items stored in your RV can prevent future financial hardships. An agent from Bartal Insurance in Scranton, PA, can assist you with any necessary alterations to your RV insurance policy.

Bonds Insurance FAQs: All you need to know

If you are a business owner, you should consider having bond insurance because it guarantees customer payments if you, as a business owner, fail to meet the conditions stated in the contract. If you are interested in bond insurance, here are several important things you should know about it: 

What are the benefits of bond insurance?

One of the main benefits of bond insurance is the lower cost of capital. Also, bond insurance boosts legitimacy if you are a small business owner and work for others. 

How does bond insurance work?

It is an essential financial tool that provides a guarantee to a bondholder, according to which bondholders will receive interest and principal payments even if an issuer defaults. 

What are the types of bond insurance?

There are two types of bond insurance: corporate bond insurance and municipal bond insurance. Corporate bond insurance is for corporations, while municipal bond insurance is used for general obligation bonds issued by local and state governments. 

Are there any risks and disadvantages of bond insurance?

Yes, it has certain risks and drawbacks. For example, this insurance can increase the insurer’s cost of borrowing. Also, the major drawback of bond insurance is its cost. It can be quite expensive and affect the overall return on the investment. 

Bond insurance is one of the most crucial types of coverage any business owner should consider to protect their company and assets. If you operate your business in Scranton, PA, or any other town in Pennsylvania, Bartal Insurance is the company that can help you with it. At Bartal Insurance, we will answer your questions and help you find a policy that will benefit you most. 

What’s Considered Damages in A Court Case?

If you’ve been named in a lawsuit, you may have seen the term damages and want to know what that means. Several different things can be outlined as damages; if you’re found to be responsible, you’ll have to cover these expenses. 

Medical Expenses

Some of the most common damages in any suit are medical expenses related to the case. This could be for bodily injury or mental health treatment. If the party has to incur future costs due to these damages, then your insurance will cover what’s already been paid and the cost for future expenses. 

Property Damage

Any personal damage that was destroyed, such as a vehicle, equipment, or anything else that needed to be repaired or replaced, can be considered property damage. Anything recorded as being damaged in the suit will need to be covered. 

Punitive Damages

In some cases, punitive damages can be related to different cases. These are used as a form of financial punishment for the act that was committed. They will exceed basic compensation and cover additional costs and are only awarded in extreme cases. These are usually found in drunk driving or extreme cases. 

Liquidated Damages

In cases of construction or development, liquidated damages could be part of the original contract. If they were and you’re found responsible for these damages, then you’ll have to pay a sum to cover the cost of the liquidation that went into the project. This can be a total sum or a certain amount arranged per day. 

If you’re looking for a personal quote on umbrella insurance in the Scranton, PA community, contact our team at Bartal Insurance today. 

Four Things You Should Know About Flood Insurance

An unexpected flooding situation can cause devastating losses for homeowners in Scranton, PA. Regardless of your home’s location, securing your property with flood insurance is a wise decision to ensure protection against damaging water invasions. Bartal Insurance is here to provide comprehensive insight and assist you in acquiring the proper coverage.

Why is flood insurance important?

The significance of flood insurance often goes unnoticed until it’s too late. Many homeowners falsely believe that flood coverage is superfluous if they aren’t located in a flood zone or if their property is fully paid off. Here are four crucial points that illustrate why securing a flood policy is of paramount importance:

  • Floods can occur anywhere it rains.
  • Flood protection is vital, even outside designated flood zones.
  • Flood insurance offers considerable value against potential losses.
  • An insurance agent is your best source for flood coverage information.

How can we help?

Before deciding, it’s vital to acquire in-depth knowledge about flood risks, recommended coverage amounts, and protective measures. Our experienced agents at Bartal Insurance can provide comprehensive information tailored to your specific circumstances, giving you peace of mind that you’re well-protected.

If you’re in the Scranton, PA area and are considering flood insurance, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We offer quotes from multiple insurers, empowering you to choose the best-suited plan confidently. At Bartal Insurance, we’re always here to help you navigate your insurance needs.

Common Industries Using Bond Insurance

Understanding the Significance of Bond Insurance for Businesses in Scranton, PA

While many Scranton, PA, companies realize the need for bond insurance, new entrepreneurs may not. Starting a business typically involves focusing on acquiring clientele more than administrative and risk management tasks. However, the right commercial insurance, like bond insurance, can actually assist in attracting customers.

The Role of Bond Insurance

Launching a new business, be it in Pennsylvania or elsewhere, requires building trust with potential customers. Having bond insurance boosts this trust as it ensures a guarantee of their financial transactions with you. Therefore, businesses, from bail bond people to stockbrokers, state that they’re "bonded." This usually appears at the end of their advertisements or website and translates to them having bond insurance from an agency like Bartal Insurance.

Industries That Typically Need Bond Insurance

Not only do finance professionals like stockbrokers require bond policies, but many within the construction industry also need this insurance. Building contractors, electricians, plumbers, and masons often need to buy bond insurance. Such policies ensure that customer deposits are safe by providing a recovery mechanism if the contracted work is not completed or poorly done.

Insure Your New Business with Bartal Insurance

At Bartal Insurance, we appreciate the complexities of starting a new business. Allow us to assist you with launching your Scranton, PA, enterprise by protecting it with the right insurance. Foster trust with potential clients by investing in bond insurance.

Is my old beat-up Volkswagen Beetle eligible for classic car insurance?

Classic car insurance is often misunderstood by many. Not every car is eligible for this specialized insurance. However, there are general guidelines that typically distinguish an old car from a classic car. Our team at Bartal Insurance understands that understanding classic car insurance can be confusing. We’re dedicated to helping Scranton, PA residents understand classic car insurance.  

What is classic car insurance?

Classic car insurance is designed for cars that are fifteen years or older, not driven daily, and in near-mint condition. Obviously, not every car fits the description. This is why not every old car is eligible for classic car insurance. Classic car insurance works similarly to conventional car insurance in that it provides liability, collision, and comprehensive coverage.

However, the similarities end there. Unlike conventional car insurance, classic car insurance covers your older car at a monetary value that’s agreed upon by both the car owner and the insurance company, whereas conventional car insurance assesses the actual value of your car according to age and condition. For example, if you’re in a wreck and the damage exceeds the actual value of your car, your insurance company will not pay for the repair of your car, hence the term "totaled."

Also, classic car insurance offers other specialized benefits unique to classic cars.  Conversely, classic cars actually increase in value or actually maintain their value. Also, classic car insurance is not designed for cars that are driven daily or used as a primary form of transportation. This is one reason why classic car insurance is often cheaper than conventional car insurance. 

Is my old beat-up Volkswagen Beetle eligible for classic car insurance?

Probably not. If you have an old car that’s driven daily or frequently, and not in good condition. Many classic car insurance companies will likely deem it ineligible for classic car insurance. It should also be noted that every classic car insurance company has its own criteria for what is classified as a classic car. Although there are a few general guidelines that determine if a car can be considered a classic, the real determination lies in the hands of the specific classic car insurance company.

Consult With Us

If you have questions about classic car insurance, call our Scranton, PA team at Bartal Insurance. We’d be happy to answer all of your questions. 

The Pros and Cons of Sharing Renters Insurance Policies With Housemates

In Scranton, PA, Bartal Insurance is your local expert on renters insurance. Explore the advantages and drawbacks of joint renters insurance policies in shared living situations.

Pros of Shared Policies

Cost Efficiency: Sharing a renters insurance policy can be cost-efficient, offering budget-friendly options for everyone involved. Recognizing the importance of financial considerations in Scranton, Bartal Insurance sees this as a significant advantage.

Simplified Management: With a joint policy, paperwork, and administrative tasks are streamlined, providing hassle-free management of renters insurance in shared spaces with guidance from Bartal Insurance.

Collective Protection: Joint policies often provide coverage for shared belongings, fostering a sense of collective protection. This advantage proves beneficial in scenarios where shared items are damaged or stolen.

Cons of Shared Policies

Limited Personalization: Joint policies may lack flexibility in catering to individual coverage needs. Residents in Scranton are advised to carefully consider personal requirements when opting for shared coverage.

Shared Liability: In the event of a claim, each housemate is linked to the overall policy, potentially impacting individual records. Bartal Insurance encourages clients to consider this shared liability factor.

Coverage Gaps: Differences in personal property value or coverage preferences among housemates may lead to potential coverage gaps. Communication is key, and thorough discussions are recommended to mitigate these risks.

Navigating Shared Spaces with Bartal Insurance

As your local insurance provider in Scranton, Bartal Insurance offers insights into the nuances of shared living. Understanding that each situation is unique, our expertise lies in guiding you through the pros and cons of joint renters insurance policies. Contact Bartal Insurance for personalized advice on renters insurance that suits the dynamics of your living situation in Scranton, PA.

Protection to Look for When Choosing RV Insurance

If you live in the greater Scranton, PA area and own an RV, you can rely on the team at Bartal Insurance for all your insurance needs. We’re proud to serve our community and look forward to working with you too!

Features Your RV Insurance Should Provide

Owning an RV is a great way to spend time with friends and family while exploring the beautiful areas of our state and country. When you’re selecting your policy, you’ll want to ensure that it provides a few key features. Liability protection is always important, especially if you entertain a lot in your RV and spend time in an RV park.

Protection on the road is also important. It’s a great idea to speak with a local agent to learn more about the range of protection available and determine which is an appropriate option to meet your needs. For example, if you tend to spend most of your RV time in a park, your insurance needs will differ from someone who uses their vehicle to travel. 

The age and replacement value of the RV will also have an impact on the type of insurance that might fit your needs.  It’s worth the time and effort it takes to get a policy that meets your needs without any gaps in coverage.

Call or stop by today!

Scranton, PA area RV owners are encouraged to contact the team at Bartal Insurance for all their insurance needs. Our team is friendly, knowledgeable, and here to help. Give us a call or stop by to learn more about the RV policies that are currently available in our area. We look forward to seeing you soon!